Us: Forest Park Sucks to Drive Through, City: Here’s more signs.

Signs!  That’s the ticket…the fix to all our troubles! More signs!

That’s pretty much the reaction of the city when finally pushed to do something about the amazing traffic jams that surround Forest Park every time its nice and above 60 degrees.

After last week’s park congestion, Forest Park, the Missouri Department of Transportation, St. Louis City Streets Department, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and the park institutions met to work out a plan to improve traffic flow in Forest Park.

New signage plans are being discussed both on the highway and within Forest Park. These plans are unfunded at this time. The electronic message boards and temporary signs will be used to guide park visitors for now.

If the signs that tell people where to enter and park don’t help, the city plans on changing the signs to simply say “Go Away”.  If that doesn’t get the job done, Park Officials will release 12 homeless black men in to the park near certain attractions to ask for money and scare away all the West County families.

via Globe Democrat