PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

The Onion’s Take on the Hipster Kickball Teams is Pretty Dead On

We missed it when it was originally published, but The Onion, the hugely popular fake news site, printed a surprisingly on point send up of the Tower Grove kickball leagues. Bar Owner Cannot Fucking Believe He Actually Sponsored An Adult Kickball Team The team, known as the Ballbusters, is a group of grown men and women from Trimble’s neighborhood who play competitive kickball matches against other area teams of grown men and women on Sunday afternoons in Tower Grove Park. [Read More]

Guy on Reddit is the First Across the new Grand Bridge

The new Grand Avenue Bridge is finally open, one lane each way, after about 18 months and apparently it’s pretty cool. We’ve haven’t taken it for a test drive yet, but this guy on Reddit claims to be the first across it after the opening on his bike and he said it was cool. Today at 2:46PM, after a 2 year [sic] wait (and seconds after the ribbon cutting) I piloted the first vehicle to cross the newly opened Grand Avenue Bridge. [Read More]

Spotty Posting This Week

Sorry, but we’re doing some traveling this week and won’t be able to post regularly, but we’ll try our best.

Here’s a sad-looking kitten that perfectly illustrates our feelings about not being able to post as much as we usually do (or do our usual appearance on the John Carney Show), and no doubt your feeling as well since you’ll be short your usual dose of locally-flavored dick and fart jokes this week:

Missouri’s Ellie Kemper (Erin from The Office) Got Married

No these aren’t shots of a weird scene from The Office where the Erin marries Dwight, this is real. The Office and Bridesmaid star, as well as Missouri native, Ellie Kemper got married last weekend to her dorky looking husband seen above. Thats right guys, we all could have gotten down with that because if that guy can do it you’re chances would have been just as good. Seriously, have you ever seen a head more perfect for a swirlie? [Read More]

New in St. Louis: People Getting Shot For NOT Buying Drugs

Early Sunday morning a north city woman was reportedly shot in the chest after she refused an offer to buy some drugs. Take away lesson? If you live it St. Louis, it appears that when someone offers you drugs, it’s safter to just take some since the one thing you can’t go to rehab for a bullet in the chest. Please inform your kids about this change in standard parenting lesson protocol. [Read More]

Brad Pitt’s Mom Dislikes the Gays

Brad Pitt is from Missouri, and his parents still live in Missouri while he has gone on to be famous and do all kinds of cool stuff including be in tons of awesome movies and Angelina Jolie. But deep down he’s just like you and me because his mom is still embarrassing the crap out of him by writing letters to the local Springfield, MO paper denouncing homosexual lifestyles and abortion. [Read More]

Draftmark Releases New Beer So We Drank Some

The fine folks at Draftmark have once again supplied the Punching Kitty headquarters with some beer, this time just in time for July 4th, and we’d like to thank them for that. This time we got to try the new Amberbock refill, and we can report the beer was beery, the draft was drafty and urine doesn’t come out of good rugs we got as a present. “Blotting” was woefully ineffective. [Read More]

No One Likes It When Mike Carter Calls Them

Ring ring! Caller ID says “Time and Temperature”, which can only mean one thing: The heat wave is calling asking why we haven’t posted a picture of of our dashboard’s thermomater reading yet. What else could it possibly be? “This is Mike Carter for lieutenant governor, inviting you to MikeCarter.com.,” said the recorded message. “I’m a Ron Paul-style candidate. Check that out at MikeCarter.com. Paid for by MikeCarter.com. And you can opt out of any future calls at MikeCarter. [Read More]

The Last Last Samurai Got Arrested in Kirkwood

The movies taught us that “The Last Samurai” was an Tom Cruise-looking American general with long hair, but as usual the real “Last Samurai” is some old skranky-looking guy from Kirkwood. Here’s how it went down: Two guys start arguing in a Kirkwood home late last week and soon they were told to take it outside, which 46 year old William Earnhart did…right after he grabbed a samurai sword real quick, because fair shmair, you should have found a sword too if you didn’t want your arm cut off. [Read More]