Apparently even long time veterans of local TV news can get tired of doing yet another “Damn its hot” or “Wow its cold story.” After being ejected from KSDK, and mulling offers from both KTVI and KMOV Deanne Lane has decided go the route of her old KSDK comrade and head in to the the business world. Lane will be joining St. Louis based Centene as their director of media according to STLMediaStuff.
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Leisa Zigman Doesn’t Quite Get Twitter
From the Wikipedia page on Twitter:
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read each others’ updates, known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters, displayed on the author’s profile page and delivered to other users – known as followers – who have subscribed to
Its that “up to 140 characters” thing that seems to be hard to understand for KSDK reporter, and recent focus of police officer ire, Leisa Zigman.
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America’s Next Top Model Not Canceled Yet and Coming to St. Louis
If you are a skinny girl, with plenty of attitude, very little brains and don’t mind being used and told you are going to have an awesome modeling career only to end up in a freaking Chili’s commercial 2 months later, then you are in luck! America’s Next Top Model tryouts are coming to town!
Tomorrow, July 11th, Tyra’s posse will be looking for girls ages 18-27 that are over 5’7″.
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KSDK vs St. Louis’ Finest

It appears channel 5’s reporter Leisa Zigman didn’t feel reportery enough so she got out her fedora, tucked her press pass in the band and went off to uncover a scandal! Long story short, she didn’t find one. Instead, Zigman decided to do a “report” on St. Louis police officers parking in no-parking spaces throughout the city, including in front of their own station! [Editor’s Note: Dun dun daaaaaaaaa!]
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What the Hell is Vince Coleman Doing?
From the front page of’s sports section:
To the Post Dispatch: Is this really the best photo you could find of Vince Coleman for your update article Post Dispatch?
To Vince Coleman: Are those really the pants you think you should be wearing?
Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
An Index: St. Louis Sports Stars on Twitter
With all this Tony LaRussa Twitter stuff it occured to me we should have an index of all the sports guys (and maybe some of the fake ones too, just for Tony) in one list so you can easily add them to your Twitter account.
Wait. You aren’t on Twitter? Watch this then.
We’ve made 3 categories: Press, Athletes, Fakes
Athletes: Steven Jackson [Rams]
Leonard Little [Rams]
Donnie Avery [Rams]
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Update on the KFNS Producer Arrested on Rape Charges

Back when Punching Kitty first launched in January, one of our top stories, and one that is still right up there on the top traffic-getting list, was about Ryan Huff, at the time a producer for local sport-talk KFNS being held on rape charges.
Because this story has gotten so much traffic, and since no other news outlet seems to be keeping track, we thought it was a good time for an update to the story.
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St. Louisan Sells Michael Jackson Stuff on EBay and the Same Story to Two Stations
A St. Louis couple decided to sell off their Jacko memorabilia on EBay, and actually netted some pretty good dough for the stuff. Not only that, but they got on TV! Thats right, they made the local news and took the time to record the news broadcasts with their camera and upload it to YouTube.
…they also, inadvertently, managed to illustrate how lame and formulaic local TV news has gotten.
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Rex7 Responds to Stories About His Failed Tweetup Record
This morning two stories came out taking aim at the “St. Louis World Record Tweetup” event try that took place on Friday, July 3rd. One, by yours truly “The ‘Largest’ Tweetup Falls a Bit Short of Record“, and the other by Bill Streeter of the Riverfront Times: “What If You Threw the LARGEST TWEET UP IN ST. LOUIS and No One Showed Up?“
We tracked down Rex7 on Twitter, who gracefully linked to both stories in his Twitter feed, and asked him for a comment on the event and Streeter’s “fake followers” claim.
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The “Largest” Tweetup Falls a Bit Short of Record

[Editor’s Note: Update x2 below!]
What was billed as “St. Louis’ Largest Tweetup Ever” fell a bit short on Friday…well, from what we hear, a lot short.
First, the backstory:
Tweetup (noun):
An organized or impromptu gathering of people that use Twitter. (A meet up of people that ‘tweet’ using Twitter.) [via Urban Dictionary]
News had been bubbling through the St. Louis hardcore Twitter crowd about an attempt by two twitters, @Rex7 and @Prebynski, to put together a “record breaking” Tweetup.
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