Eternal Ink Tattoo Giving Out Free Breast Cancer Awareness Tattoos

A tattoo parlor in Heckler, Illinois has been giving out free body art in the form of breast cancer awareness ribbon tattoos for a week now and the demand for a free pink ribbon tat has been surprising. There’s been a steady line at the Eternal Ink Tattoo Studio in Hecker, Illinois since last Thursday. The small shop stocked up on supplies and hired extra help to keep the lines moving. [Read More]

New 270 and Dorsett Interchange One of Only Four in the Nation

A “Diverging Diamond” interchange has been installed and is now open at highway 270 and Dorsett Road and watch out red-blooded Americans, but for just a second it will have you driving on the “wrong” side of the road! The terrorists have won.

According to Wikipedia:

diverging diamond interchange is a rare form of diamond interchange in which the two directions of traffic on the non-freeway road cross to the opposite side on both sides of the bridge at the freeway. It is unusual in that it requires traffic on the freeway overpass (or underpass) to briefly drive on the opposite side of the road from what they are accustomed. The diverging diamond interchange was listed by Popular Science magazine as one of the best innovations in 2009 (engineering category) in “Best of What’s New 2009”.

This is really a brillant idea. It allows for easy flow to get on either direction of the highway with zero detriment to the traffic staying on Dorsett and all it will take the littlest bit of ablilty for St. Louis drivers to read and comprehend traffic signs and not be dumbass hoosiers about driving on the other side of the street for 100 feet. …This isn’t going to work is it?

The Missouri DMV is trying and expecting some initial issues:

“We know there will be a learning curve for motorists, so we please ask drivers to pay attention, and follow the signs, signals and striping to guide you through the new interchange. Once motorists get used to the diverging diamond, we think they will be pleased with the smooth traffic flow and safety in accessing I-270.”

There’s even a video on YouTube (see it after the jump) explaining how it all works and proving that not only is it not confusing, but actually will be a huge benefit to commuters. St. Louis YouTube commenters are crapping all over it though.

Could we possibly make these intersections more complicated? I don’t think so.

“…also how the hell are you supposed to work these DVD players? Hit input my son says? What input?! All I know is I want to watch the first season of Mama’s Family and I ain’t no dang scientist!” Here’s hoping he doesn’t believe in voting.

I already crashed

At least he’s honest.

This is going to make my drunken drive from Westport to Denny’s incredibly difficult!!

Ha ha. He’s not joking. This asshole is going to leave the Trainwreck Saloon and kill someone because he’ll be “dammed if Obama Bin Laden is going to make him drive on the “socialist” side of the road!”

The more you know: The first “DDI” was in Missouri as well actually, appearing in Springfield, MO on June 21st, 2009.

Even more stuff to know: You know that thing you do when you try to discreetly check to see if your zipper is up at work? Everyone notices and knows exactly what you are doing.

via KSDK

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270  dorsett  roads 

Nelly Finally Presented with Loop Walk of Fame Star

Yes, Nelly has had a star on the Delmar Loop’s Walk of Fame for some time now (his start debuted in 2006), but apparently it meant nothing since the man himself had never yet been “presented” with it. Apparently this star was really important to him, but not enough to take 5 minutes to shake Look Godfather Joe Edwards’ hand sometime during the last four years. This all seems pretty stupid to make a big deal about his “induction” in to the Walk of Fame now, but we’ll concede that he did eventually give a crap enough to make an appearance for his hometown fans at some point and…what? [Read More]

South Park Isn’t Far Off With Their St. Louis, New Jersey Local News Spoof

On Wednesday’s new South Park episode, entitled “It’s a Jersey Thing“, the plot revolves around New Jersey and it’s “culture” quickly taking over the whole United States. At one point, as the residents of South Park ready for the coming onslaught of over-moused, over-tanned Situation disciples, we are shown the local news of our fair town that has already fallen to the New Jersey masses: Loving the guy on the right with the spiked hair, but we aren’t sure why they felt the need to just slap in a stock photo of KMOV sports guy Steve Savard ****on the left though. [Read More]

Rams Kicker Josh Brown Gets Cameo in Jackass 3D

The new Jackass movie comes out today and it has an unlikely St. Louis connection via a cameo by Rams Kicker Josh Brown. Brown, the Rams kicker since 2008, took some time out of his busy schedule of kicking and then being made fun of by his teammates for being the kicker to hang out with the boys of Jackass and play a role in on of their painful little stunts. [Read More]

You Missed Clean the Lou 2010! Here’s the Recap Video

“Clean the Lou” 2010 is in our review mirror, but if you weren’t aware it was the first annual event of forming teams and cleaning up different areas of St. Louis. On Saturday, September 25, we held our very first Clean The Lou. More than 30 teams and many others across the metropolitan area worked tirelessly to clean up streets, alleys, parks and more. We made some great progress but there’s more to do. [Read More]

Reddit User Creates iCal Calendar for Forest Park

mjschultz, a user on the popular news sharing site Reddit, that happens to have a pretty great little St. Louis section, decided to put together a handy little iCal Calendar for easy importing in to whatever it is you use (Google Calendar, Apple iCal, your 5 year old flip phone) so you won’t miss any of the cool stuff that goes down in Forest Park. I’m not sure how many people are interested in this, but I’ve made an iCal calendar file from the official list of events in Forest Park. [Read More]

Morning Wood, Free With One Dozen Donuts!

St. Louis is buzzing with the news of a place to get a donut from a hot broad! Prepare to start living…really living! Opening in Soulard “soon”, there aren’t much in the way of details about the “Sultry Donut”. Their website has a bunch of nothing and this: The Sultry Donut and Café is opening up soon!! Check back for latest renovation pictures, future menu items and pictures of our staff. [Read More]

St. Louisan Andy Cohen Doesn’t Want St. Louis Housewives on Bravo

Andy Cohen, he of every Bravo reality show “wrap up” special and native St. Louisan, was intereviewed by the New York Times on the 8th specifically about Bravo’s “Real Housewives” series. The next season is all about Beverly Hills so that’s exciting. Tell us Andy, what will be different this season? Will the women have laser guns? Is it a double elimination gladiator-style fight to the death? Will they not be total bitches forgetting about everything else in the world, instead choosing to complain about people wearing the same dress as them to brunch? [Read More]

St. Louis to Hold Satellite Rally to Restore Sanity

The Daily Show host John Stewart’s rally to combat the rising insanity on either side of the political bickering has a lot of people heading to Washington D.C. October 30th to witness an event so sane and even-keled, it will make you say “Hmm. Interesting. I’m going to think about that and get back to you with a well-thought out response.” Because we’re looking for those people. We’re looking for the people who think shouting is annoying, counterproductive, and terrible for your throat; who feel that the loudest voices shouldn’t be the only ones that get heard; and who believe that the only time it’s appropriate to draw a Hitler mustache on someone is when that person is actually Hitler. [Read More]