We hear a certain website popular with the internet hipsters, iPhone-orati, and local gossip bloggers among us is finally making the move to St. Louis.
This move as been particularly gained steam in recent months as some of us have felt a little left out and begged expressed interest via Twitter and at least two prominent blogs.
The official announcement could come as soon as later this week! We also here that some of the “chosen” are already getting beta access to the service.
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Classical Music Station 99.1 Finds Jesus
After years and years of broadcasting classical music to St. Louis, KFUO-FM 99.1 has been sold and will transition to “JoyFM” to play the worst music ever: “Christian contemporary music”
From STLToday:
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod will sell its 61-year-old classical music station, KFUO-99.1 FM, to Gateway Creative Broadcasting, the LCMS and Gateway announced today, for $18 million plus $8 million in interest over a 10-year term.
The sale will become final in March, pending the approval of the Federal Communications Commission and transfer of the license.
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Awesome Headline: Done In by Slick Balls
The Vital Voice Gets Laryngitis
According to The Riverfront Times [Editor’s Note: Who we are mad at them right now! Boo!] St. Louis’ only Gay/Lesbian/Transgender newspaper is shutting its doors until 2010.
Voice publisher and owner, Pam Schneider, tells Daily RFT that she decided to shutdown the paper for the rest of the year to concentrate on a redesign of the publication.
“It just made sense to take the time and money we need to focus on coming out in 2010 the way we want,” she says.
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KSHE 95 Classic Commercials: Mommy, He’s Doing It Again
Remember when radio really mattered? Yeah, I know its been a while. Jog your memory with these old and cheese-tastic KSHE 95 tv ads!
When the Fur Flies in St. Louis, Gabe Hartwig Takes a Photo
Yes, we are a perfectly awesome blog that leaves clumps of blogging gold in the cat box on a daily basis, but let it not be said we are conceited! There are other blogs in St. Louis that we love, and “Girl, You Lost Your Weave” is one of them.
The idea here is brilliant. If you’ve lived or visited St. Louis, I know you’ve seen some spare hair lying on the ground and if you didn’t, look closer.
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KSDK Determined to Count Each and Every Swine Flu Death
From KSDK.com:
Missouri has recorded its second swine flu death, and the first in the western part of the state.
State health officials say a 24-year-old Independence woman died Wednesday night, several days after she was hospitalized with symptoms including diarrhea, coughing and extreme fatigue. Her name was not released.
Look, KSDK, I don’t know how to tell you this…geez…um, we don’t care about Swine Flu any more. We’ve moved on to more important issues like Kanye West, so you should move on too.
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Watch My Sexy Ass Talk About the Internet and Media
I’m at the event now with no Internet ironically, and you can see how to watch me here: http://smcstl4.eventbrite.com/
Wait. If you hate me I’m the tall one in the suit, not the short one in black with the sunglasses.
Come Throw Things at Our Editor and Learn Yourself Something About the Internet
We aren’t usually one to self-aggrandize, but we do want you all to know that our fearless and sexy editor, Mike Flynn, will be on the panel for this month’s Social Media Club talk at the Pepper Lounge this Thursday the 17th (tomorrow!). The topic will be “Old Media vs New Media”
From the event’s page on eventbrite:
Join us for a panel about the changes in media including representatives from the local blogosphere, the Riverfront Times, Channel 4 News, NPR, & the St.
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Not Quite a Retraction. More of an Addition.
Yesterday, when talking about Chris File appearing in the Up in the Air trailer, we said this, emphasis mine:
Is that Chris Files, host of The Toast which is the diamond in the rough that is ToastedRav.com, in the new Up in the Air trailer walking behind star George Clooney?
We forgot to mention that Chris isn’t the only diamond in the rough! He has a buddy left in those charred remains of a media experiment: Their movie critic Roger Qbert!
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