When the Fur Flies in St. Louis, Gabe Hartwig Takes a Photo

n48002144_33303397_7564627Yes, we are a perfectly awesome blog that leaves clumps of blogging gold in the cat box on a daily basis, but let it not be said we are conceited!  There are other blogs in St. Louis that we love, and “Girl, You Lost Your Weave” is one of them.

The idea here is brilliant.  If you’ve lived or visited St. Louis, I know you’ve seen some spare hair lying on the ground and if you didn’t, look closer.  Its gross and its everywhere.  …so Hartwig decided to photograph it.

We caught up with Hartwig about what made him start to blog about weaves:

Girl, You Lost Your Weave was born out of necessity. For a while now, I’ve been taking pictures of random chunks of weaves because it seems like they’re everywhere in this city. I’d put ’em on Facebook, and my friends would tell me how hilarious they were and that I needed a Web site to showcase them.

So I started a Blogger site about a week ago, and my friends have been great about sending me their own weave sightings.

I love sites dedicated to unintentionally funny found things, and weaves seem to be what St. Louisans have a hard time holding onto the most.

Frankly, the world needs more blogs like this.  This is exactly why the internet is awesome.  I don’t think here is any higher praise than by being placed next to Sneezing Panda, Party Kid, and Look at this Fu*king Hipster.

For that matter that fact that this hasn’t landed on the front page of BoingBoing yet is beyond me.  …so we submitted it.  Here’s hoping it make it and you get crushed with traffic Gabe!