Guy Breaks in to House, Covers Inside With Liquid Soap

Wait, what?

A man who allegedly broke into a house because it was a place to smoke cocaine and “cool off” then spread liquid hand soap about the house before leaving, St. Louis County police said.

Darion J. Ellis, 18, of Florissant, told police he poured the liquid soap throughout the house to clean up after himself, according to the police report.

Weird huh?  Don’t worry the police have it figured out.

Police believe Ellis selected the house randomly and likely was high when he spread the soap inside the home, spokesman Rick Eckhard said.

“Likely was high”?  Solid police work.

Next week we will see a report of a guy shooting his girlfriend, to which the cops will release the following statement:  “He was likely mad at her about something.”

Via Crime Beat