The Vital Voice is Out, Go Get a Copy

We missed the launch party last night because of the weather and various other reasons, but we wanted to spread the word that the Vital Voice’s first issue back is out!

Check it out!

Also if anyone has any photos of the event, we’d love it if you would share.

Greenbaum Returns! STLToday’s Comments Under Hilarious Attack

New year and all is forgiven? After laying low for all of December, the now infamous Kurt Greenbaum has returned to his blogging duties on…in a post about responsibility. I-R-O-N-Y! The comments on the post were shockingly on topic, but all I could see what the first page of them. Clicking the “Next” link broke for me. I know, totally shocking huh? Also not shocking is the fact that social news site Reddit has already picked up on his return and the link has reached the front page with, at the time of this writing, 785 votes and nearly 300 comments. [Read More]

Learn About Piss Enemas and Then Try the Rest of the Day to Unlearn It

[Editor’s Note: No, there’s no picture for this post.] So I didn’t know that someone had thought about this, let alone tried it, let alone like it, let alone wrote about it, but apparently “piss enemas” happen and the story is being told on St. Louis sexy site The Beautiful Kind. I was surprised and a bit disappointed that I didn’t really feel anything. After a few moments though I started to feel a little full. [Read More]

Globe-Democrat: You Can’t Sell Out if You Start off That Way!

We have a little game for you today! Below is a screenshot we took last night of a St. Louis media website. Assuming you’ve never heard of either of the names on the picture below, what would you guess the name of this site was? Here are you choices: a) “The Toshiba website sponsored by St. Louis Globe-Democrat” b) “Toshiba website sponsored by nothing…all I see is Toshiba.” c) “I have no idea what that dead hooker is doing in my trunk officer, but I do know she looks like that girl from high school that dumped me and totally would deserve the beating from someone that’s not me and put her in my trunk probably because our cars look alike or something. [Read More]

We Talk With DSly About the Return of the Vital Voice!

The Vital Voice, St. Louis’ great, and sorely missed, Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered lifestyle magazine is very close to returning so we thought it would be a perfect time to sit down with the new head-honcho, and friend-of-the-site, DSly! DSly has been a busy guy from the day we met him, and now with the the Vital Voice’s relaunch around the corner, and of course the holidays, we can’t imagine how busy he is these days, so we thank him for taking the time to talk with us. [Read More]

Leisa Zigman is Giving You the Straight Dope Yo!

One of our eagle-eyed readers caught our favorite local newscaster, Leisa Zigman of channel 5 KSDK droppin’ some gang signs in between the “news”

Yo yo yo!

My name is Leisa Zigman and I’m here to say

I love talking news all the damn day

Well “news” is a relative term…more like happenings that I care about…ok, its more like a video diary I get paid for.

100.3 Starts to Smell a Bit Like Teen Spirit

According to a tipster to STLMedia, 100.3 will soon kill the Christmas music and move to a new format for the area: All 80s and 90s music, aimed squarely at those Gen-Xers. Says the tipster… CONFIRMED. GEN X RADIO COMES TO 100.3. MUSIC OF THE 90’S AND 80’S AIMED AT GEN X. EXPECT STUNTING AND A LAUNCH RIGHT AFTER FIRST OF THE YEAR. THE ARCH IS SCREWED. We love this idea. [Read More]
100.3  80s  90s  music  radio 

Something is Different With ‘The Morning After’…

We didn’t care one bit about the news a few weeks back that sports talk host Tim McKernan, in conjunction with, was buying the first half of the day on the stumpy-towered 1380 AM, but we have to say, the usually funny Morning After show on 1380 has tanked recently. The new focus on interviewing broads for another show has taken the time that was usually filled with actual talk about sports. [Read More]

St. Louis Globe-Democrat Launches

That “other” St. Louis newspaper that closed its doors in 1986, before newspapers closing their doors was all the rage, is back…as a website. Things looks good so far, and I really hope they do well since we need another strong news source in this town, but I do have a few questions: 1. They do know that their website doesn’t have to just look like a boring old newspaper right? [Read More]

What Google Thinks About St. Louis

Screen shot 2009-12-07 at 11.38.54 PMSo most people have no idea what we are famous for, what we eat or where the hell we are.

…those that do though, think we are dying.


[Editor’s Note: Loving the Popeye logo though!]