No, nothing new (that we know of) has happened in Greenbaum-Gate, but word is still spreading out from just our little world of baseball and new highways:
The Globe and Mail has an op/ed piece on Greenbaum: “When Comment Moderation Goes Too Far“
The Huffington Post’s article on it is still getting comments.
Greenbaum’s Twitter profile is still blocked.
…and the 8th result on Google for “Kurt Greenbaum” is our friend at KurtGreenbaumIsAPussy.
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KSDK Thinks You Should Make Your Kids Uncomfortable This Christmas
Did you know that 1 in 4 teens have sent a sexually explicit text message? I know what you are thinking: “Damn, that’s hot!” But remember that 3 in 4 teens are ugly. …plus KSDK thinks this is a bad thing and is urging parents to make this holiday extra special by corning your kids and reminding them not to be a whores over the cell phone.
“The holidays are a great time for parents to not only have conversations about this in an empowering way,” [author Carrie Silver-Stock] said.
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Google Releases St. Louis’ Most Searched Terms
Its December! So get ready for list after list after list and then a few list tv specials on VH1 about this “crazy” year! …all the while forgetting that something might happen in the last few weeks.
The first entrant is Google, as they released their 2009 Zeitgeist that lists all kinds of interesting search data from the last year. For instance? The top 10 search terms for stadiums which Yankee Stadium came in #1 and our own Busch Stadium came in 9th.
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Post Dispatch Staff Loses Company Cell Phones
The slow march of a former media giant towards death can be sad to watch…
Our source in the Post Dispatch tells us that the latest of the series of cost cutting measures is that all reporters, and even a few other positions, are losing their company paid cell phones. To be fair, our source did say that they will be reimbursing the staff for personal phone use, but in something that’s just too good to make up, the paper did suggest that the staff add as many business numbers to their “calling circles”.
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We Got a Letter From Charles Jaco Last Night!
Remember this post from a while back? We found a video on YouTube of a young, mustachioed Charles Jaco (Now of Fox2) on CNN. The commentary bookending the video says that Jaco “faked” this news report and that it was all filmed in a studio.
Lets be clear: Those views, as we stated in the post, are of the video maker’s. Not ours. Frankly that was pretty clear.
From the post “Did Charles Jaco Fake a Desert Storm CNN Report?
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Kurt Greenbaum 29th Most Search Google Term
We Talk With the Man Behind

If you haven’t noticed by now, this Kurt Greenbaum story hasn’t gone away yet, and though we are trying to keep up-to-date on all the Greenbaum-iness of the internet, there is one place that has become the hub for all the coverage of this story, and part of the story itself: (or for those with virgin ears:
We recently traded emails with the anonymous operator of the site. Here is the interview:
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Chris Files Weighs in on the Kurt Greenbaum Story
_Public Dis-service Announcemen_t style…
Well done.
STLToday Looking To Upgrade That Commenting System?
We hear that the Post Dispatch’s Web Director, Will Sullivan is on Twitter looking for tips on commenting systems.
Hmmm, can’t think of why that would be. Any ideas?
The Post Dispatch’s “Social Media Guy” Tattles on Naughty Commenter, Craps on Privacy Policy
Kurt Greenbaum, Director of Social Media at the St. Louis Post Dispatch jumped on his blog the other day to gleefully tell the tale about how he tracked down one of the thousands of nasty commenters on, called the employer of the commentator (based on the IP/Hostname) and because of his tattle-telling, the dude got fired.
…and then the internet skull-f*cked him.
Here’s a few of the comments on his original blog post entitled “Post a Vulgar Comment at Work, Lose Your Job“:
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