Prop 8 Maps Reveals Surprisingly Low Bigot Numbers in St. Louis Area

The controversial web mash-up of the public list of donors to California’s Proposition 8 law and a map of California and the country,, reveals the shocking number of zero for the St. Louis area. Yup, zero. According to the site, no one from the St. Louis area gave any money to Prop 8. Sure it was a law in California, but you would be surprised at the far reaches of their donor list and yet not a soul from St. [Read More]

Today’s Missed Connection: Dodge My Balls

Lets see if we can decode this one together…but I’m going to warn you, this one is really going to be tough: (link) dodge my balls – m4w (webster) and don’t kick me, blue! you should know who you are and what we were doing! … You know what? I’ve got nothing. Good luck you crazy kids, here’s hoping you hook up. Well, that one was just too crazy…lets try another: (link) [Read More]

Do Ladies Like to be Hit On at the Gym?

A fellow St. Louisian asks on Craigslist: Not really sure where this should be posted…but my question to you ladies… …while working out at the gym, do you/would you be open to a man approaching you? It’s not that I’m afraid to, I just wonder bc I wouldn’t want to intrude on “your time”, as I’m there for the main reason of working out, but sometimes can’t help one of u catching my eye! [Read More]

Your Guide to Each Side of 270

Your Guide to Each Side of 270
I went out to the parent’s house out in the depths of St. Charles County today for the big game. It was the first time I’ve traveled west of 270 for the first time in months and after reminding myself of the differences I thought I would make a little field guide for those that stick to their side of town. East of 270 you will see: Obama bumper stickers VW Beetles Black people Evidence of car theft Buses Martini bars West of 270 you will see: [Read More]

VitalVoice Profiles Ed Reggi

VitalVoice Profiles Ed Reggi
Who is Ed Reggi? The VitalVoice and I are so glad you asked: Reggi, who moved to St. Louis in the 1990s, is a nationally known actor, director, producer and educator. As an entertainer, Reggi knows a lot of people and was well aware of his unique situation of having mass appeal not just to the gay community but also to a wide range of people who might not think about GLBT issues in their everyday lives. [Read More]