That headline is legit! We swear to G…eh. Better not do that in this post. Seriously though, Kurt Warner took some time the other day to tell Tim Tebow, he who’s name in verb form means a quick post-game prayer in the middle of the freaking field or any other random place (, to give it a rest with the God talk.
“You can’t help but cheer for a guy like that,” Warner said of Tebow.
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Kurt Warner Turns Judas to Rams Fan Acolytes
Kurt Warner won a Super Bowl for the Rams and a probable Disney movie with his ultimate St. Louis scrappy life story. We don’t remember all the details since no one mentioned it much…pretty sure it had something to do with stocking shelves at HyVee, football and praying to Jesus/Cthulhu that Trent Green would get hurt (totally worked!). Eh. Not important. The important thing is that he is a Rams legend and not matter how many random stops he did along down the final path to retirement, he will always be a Ram.
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Kurt Warner a Possible Dancing With the Stars Entrant?
Could retired Arizona Cardinals quarterback and St. Louis demi-god, Kurt Warner, is rumored to be in the next set of has-beens/trying-to-bes on the ABC show Dancing With the Stars.
Kurt Warner, formerly of Arizona and St. Louis, who is reportedly under consideration for the fall season of DWTS. So reports Lisa de Moraes, the Washington Post’s television columnist from the annual summer critics tour.
While DWTS has previously hosted running backs (Emmitt Smith), wide receivers (Jerry Rice) and defensive linemen (Warren Sapp) , Warner would be the first quarterback to be a contestant on the show.
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Kurt Warner Tweets Like an 11 Year Old
OMG! Kurt Warner iz such a gr8 writer. Hs prose jst sEm 2 croS boundaries. LOL. JK. IDK. wutevA.
Here’s some examples:
Anybody out there no where my IPAD is? Bec, of the 8ppl in this house, of corse no 1 has seen it or played w it all day! Must b my imposter! #
Drove past car w/ sticker “boobs r power”, my life suddenly started 2 make sense & y I have always felt powerless!
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Kurt Warner Walks Away From the NFL
We’ve given Kurt Warner a hard time in the past and we still don’t fully understand the people that are so wrapped up in Warner-love that they seemingly forget about just how bad he was at the end of his Rams’ career. However, Kurt Warner is seemingly a great guy that has had a great career (though not hall of fame worthy) and made the rarely seen choice to end it on top.
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Kurt Warner Retires
Here’s the ESPN story.
We’ll talk about this on Monday.
Kurt Warner Gets Rocked, Should Remember Where He is Friday, then Promptly Retire
I don’t care if you don’t like football. If you missed Kurt Warner getting rocked on Saturday in his playoff loss to the Saints, then you missed one of the year’s biggest hits.
Let’s see…do I have video of this…oh! I sure do. Bam:
After being awaken from that blow Warner he apparently thought he was a spy for the Saints in the third quarter and then after being taken out in the fourth he briefly thought he was Ming Li, a Vietimese prostitute.
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St. Louis’ Overbearing Christians Now Think Super Bowl Refs Hate Warner’s Faith
…I’m assuming.
I mean, its a safe bet right? Look at the history:
Kurt does well but then after repeated beatings from a crappy offensive line, he play and health deteriorates to a point that St. Louis is forced to go with Marc Bulger.
St. Louis’s Overbearing Christians think the Rams and the people that support their decision hate Kurt not for this shoddy play, but because people hate his faith.
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St. Louis Loves Kurt Warner

Two things are clear from that graphic above: 1. My photoshop skills are l33t. 2. St. Louis’ collective love for Kurt Warner hasn’t been this high since…well since he took our football team to the Super Bowl.
But why do we collectively love this guy so much? If you have been around St. Louis for a while now you are saying “What?! Kurt Warner is like if Jesus knew karate!
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