Denise Cooke is in Trouble for Child Endangerment, Thought This Was America

Denise Cooke was just going to be gone for a second, so we’re not sure what the big deal is. Some times you need a quick drink, you know? …and also during some of those times you’re a single mother, so maybe you leave your baby in a hotel room. Big whoop. Oh, you’d rather her take the baby to the bar? Who’s the horrible parent now?! Police arrested a woman who allegedly left her 9-year-old son inside a Fenton hotel room while she went out drinking. [Read More]

Vernita Bruce Is Not Don King, So Just Stop Making Those Jokes Now. Frankly It’s A Bit Lazy.

Vernita Bruce is one hell of a mom! She has no comb or common sense and she’s clearly dangerously imbalanced, but she will go the extra mile to be horrible! Like when her 13-year-old daughter told her that girls at school wanted to fight her, did she just sit down with some Full House-style talk about how violence isn’t the answer, ending with a hug while the sounds of clapping come out of nowhere? [Read More]

Boyfriend Babysitter Bites Four Year Old

Hey stupid moms, stop going to work and leaving your kids with your boyfriend! It never works out. “It’s no problem!” you think; “I’m sure he’s great with them!” you assume, but just because you feel like you’ve known him forever after he said “No it’s cool if they watch. I don’t mind kids.” after he became the surprise guest to last weekend’s drunken threesome, doesn’t mean he’s not going to do something equally horrible and far less consensual to your kids the minute you’re out of the house. [Read More]

Kiddie Crowd Surfing at Aquabats Show

“Blake’s dad, can I throw your son in to the audience?”

Despite it appears from the shots above that this is the first step in a ritual human child sacrifice, no one was hurt, and it all ended up ok…but geez, even we cringed a little seeing the Aquabats front man throw progressively younger kids in to a sea of strangers during Sunday night’s show at the Pageant.

(Full YouTube video embedding after the jump.)

Hat tip to our commenter for the heads up!

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Kid Shoots Himself in the Ass with Shotgun

On Saturday, a 11-year old boy was visiting someone when he wandered across a loaded shotgun. You know how this goes…he started playing with it and some how managed to shoot himself in the butt. He is in critical but stable condition. From the Globe Democrat: Authorities said the gun belonged to a 52-year old man who lives at the home on Dick Gregory Place. So far no charges have been filed against the owner of the gun. [Read More]