One week later, and we think it’s safe to call the new redesign a winner with nothing but good vibes coming from all of you. Thanks! That being said we have made two note-worthy changes:
314-669-KTTY We have a new “tip line” phone number: 314-669-K-T-T-Y We still have the contact form, but if you’d rather you can text or leave a message any tips or questions to that number. Like if you were out one night and saw Rams quarterback Sam Bradford hitting on your girlfriend you’d take a picture, text it to us at 314-669-KTTY and then step in and say “You can have her for 500,000k.
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Punching Kitty Turns Three and Launches New Redesign
Punching Kitty has been around, bringing St. Louis news to your lookin’ balls, for over three years now. (Technically our birthday was on Saturday, the 14th, but today’s good enough for us.) As with previous years, here’s the numbers:
3 years 1,648 articles 2,422 different “tags” Well over a million visitors. 4, maybe 5, bastard groupie kids That’s a pretty great run so far, and while this last year was particularly challenging with all the travel we had to do for the “day job”, we’re excited to keep going for a little while longer.
[Read More] Finally Gets a Redesign
St. Louis’ #1 website,, finally launched a much needed redesign the other day. Our sources say its been in the works for some time and has been in a beta test for a few weeks before finally getting released to the general public the other day. We may have gotten a peak somehow and might have been using it for a little while now…or not…maybe…just sayin’.
So what do we think?
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Did It Just Get Sexier In Here?
We redesigned! A little facelift for our second year in business, but more importantly a major backend overhaul that should allow us to keep things fresh and interesting for your lookin’ balls which you will see as we go along.
So…what do you think? …I mean not that we care or anything…but well…we’ve always had a crush on you. Stirring Up Excitement or Just a Missed Deadline?
That is what is standing in on People are talking about it (shockingly) I’ll give them that, but to us this looks like the site was supposed to be up by now, so they put a splash screen up to buy some time.
No, it has nothing to do with the actual on-air station product. Its just a website relaunch.
Don’t get us wrong, we are as excited as one can be over the relaunch of St.
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Fox 2 Redesigns Their Website to Match the Rest of the St. Louis’ Websites

The recently redesigned and relaunched website for St. Louis’ Fox affiliate on channel 2 just went live with a new domain: Abandoning the fairly recent Fox-wide “MyFox[insert city abbreviation].com” push already is a bit of a mystery to most, but the issue is fairly clear after a quick twitter search:
Even less of a mystery is what the “in” style for the front page of St. Louis big media websites.
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