St. Louis native, and star of The Office which is amazingly still on TV for a a little while longer, Jenna Fischer was on Jimmy Kimmel Live and professed her love for Imo’s, while Kimmel listed off a bunch of other good places…but none of them were Imo’s, and Kimmel hates Imo’s, so he sucks. He’s right about Winslow’s Home though.
Of course, we’re still pretty upset with Jenna for not taking our interview request, but the fact that she loves Imo’s helps.
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The Office’s St. Louis Girls Start a Bake-Off
According to Mindy Kaling, aka The Office’s Kelly Kapoor, the St. Louis-raised girls of the office started up a little local-flavored bake-off on set:
The three St. Louis raised stars of The Office who can apparently all make Gooey Butter Cake, are, of course, Jenna Fischer (Pam), who is hot, Ellie Kemper (Erin), who is also hot, and Phyllis Smith (Phyllis) , who also…um…works there.
We asked Kaling for an update on the bake-off results, but as of this writing, we haven’t heard anything back.
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Jenna Fischer Hates Us or Something
I know! We can’t believe it either. Frankly it just hurts so damn much, and we don’t know what we can do to make the pain go away.
Ok, here’s the backstory: A few weeks ago the call went out to the various St. Louis media members that hometown girl Jenna Fischer was coming back to St. Louis to accept some award from a whosywhatsit [Editor’s Note: She’s winning the Cinema St.
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Jenna Fischer Got Married by the Guy From Survivor
Local cutie turned TV and movie star, Jenna Fischer, got married last weekend to her second husband, writer Lee Kirk who has really squinty eyes all the time.
…and, of course, they were married by Survivor host Jeff Probst.
It’s no secret that the Office hottie tied the knot with writer Lee Kirk earlier this month, but it took almost three weeks to unearth the eyebrow-cocking revelation that the officiant of their vow-swap was none other than the_Survivor_ host-turned-alliance king himself.
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A Jenna Fischer Chaser
After the post about a family raping and pretend marrying each other, we needed a hot St. Louisan to cut the gross.
I present to you the Jenna Fischer Chaser:
Hat tip to Xeni of BoingBoing’s Unicorn Chaser inspiration.
Take a Look at Jenna Fischer’s Kitty!

Every once in a while we like to swing by St. Louis native and Office star Jenna Fischer’s blog to see what’s going on with her and if she’s finally decided to film that script with the topless scene we keep sending her. She still hasn’t filmed that script, or acknowledged the fact that I keep sending her chunks of my hair for that matter, but we did get to see her kitty!
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Your Celebrity Softball All Stars!

Picture via @BJRains
Hot St. Louisan: Jenna Fischer
I’m gonna be honest with you. This post is a stretch. I mean, its not completely out of character for this site since she is from here, but honestly, she looks amazing in these photos, and they were just too good to not post.
<p> So…yup. Thats about it for this one. </p> <p> Here’s something else, you can check out Jenna’s blog <a href="">Pam Beesley</a>. </p> <p> Oh and if you for some reason like this, and want to nominate someone else for “Hot St.
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