PlaybackSTL Music Festival: Ssshhh. Apparently its a Secret!

Saturday we went to go checkout PlaybackSTL‘s music festival that took place in the Loop this weekend. This was the most interesting thing I saw: One might think its weird that you would go down to one of the more fun areas of St. Louis to see a music festival and you hear no music, see any signs of a festival, but instead just see a scary, chain smoking clown, but that’s apparently the way PlaybackSTL wanted it…a secret music festival. [Read More]

Go to Blueberry Hill Today For The Gettysburger!


Joe Edwards, Loop Godfather and owner of Blueberry Hill has decided to celebrate Abe Lincoln’s 200th birthday by sticking a flag in to his already amazing burger and call it the Gettysburger!  For an added touch, the burger also comes with a copy of the Gettysburg Address, because why not right?

We had one earlier today and it was of course great. Captures Example of “Ugly Friend” in the Wild Captures Example of “Ugly Friend” in the Wild
“Ugly Friend” (noun): the friend of the hot girl who is never chosen first. She is always left alone and is very angry about it. When given the choice between the 2 the guys always chose the prettier friend and leave the ugly big nosed one out of the cold. You literally have to beg guys to touch the girl to give her a pity screw. Example: Sara is a real ugly friend. [Read More]

What the Hell Was Going on @ F15teen This Weekend?

  What the hell was going on at F15teen this weekend?  <a href=""></a> has the photos above and plenty more, but I have no idea what the deal was.  At the surface, it seems like a regular bikini content, but some of these picture lead me to believe otherwise&#8230;

  Was anyone there?