Enough with the damn Rally Squirrel! Can’t we just let a funny moment from last year’s championship run be a funny moment from last year’s championship run? Please don’t drag it out and ruin the moment! Why do we have to take a little “Tina Fey“-type situation, one that’s cute and funny but something that you’re like “The one time watching ‘Baby Mamma’ is plenty.”, and then dry hump it until it’s used up and ugly, stumbling around like Lindsay Lohan making it an option to only the really ugly or desperate people?
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Ozzie Smith Loves the Cardinals Again
Tony LaRussa‘s gone, but that means everyone’s favorite formally afro’ed shortstop can come back in to the fold! This week Ozzie Smith will be back in a Cardinals uniform for the first time since he retired 16 years ago, shortly after Tony picked Royce Clayton over Ozzie for the starting shortstop job. Ozzie really hates coming in second to Royce Clayton. In fact, the word is Ozzie now refuses to talk to Brad Pitt after Clayton got the fake starting shortstop job in the movie “Moneyball”.
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Fun Things You Can Do With the Weird Ray Vinson Super Bowl Commercial
[Editor’s Note: For context, this was part of our impromptu “Animated GIF Week“]
Did you happen to catch the weird Ray Vison commercial aired during the Super Bowl last night? Even from the squeaky voiced man that has made former Cardinal skipper Tony LaRussa do some odd things for cash, this was quite a doozy (See the whole video here)!
At the very least, it managed to confuse St. Louis Super Bowl watchers, while others considered it an “insult” We at Punching Kitty Headquarters thought of it a little differently.
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Pujols 5 Restaurant Needed a New Name, but Didn’t Want to Move All the Sports Stuff Out
So now that the dust has settled from that one guy leaving town to play for a different team over a bunch of money because a magic man in the sky told him to go, there are a few loose ends to take care of. Namely what to do about the restaurant that bears his name and has a giant statue of him out front wearing an outdated uniform.
Beginning Thursday, February 2, [Pujols 5 restaurant] becomes the “St.
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Joe Sports Fan Kickstarts Pledge Drive For Their New Project
Our friends at Joe Sports Fan have launched a very interesting idea: asking the St. Louis fans to help fund their new all local relaunch and podcast with a Kickstarter campaign. The goal is $5,000, and while they’re off to a good start, we’d hate to see this brillant idea stall after the glow of the Deb Peterson press release article fades.
If you’ve never heard of Joe Sports Fan, here’s all you need to know: Occasionally we can’t help ourselves, but we try very hard to not cover sports stories because the guys over there have St.
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One Last Thing On Pujols
We wanted to leave the Pujols news where it was last week and start this week Pujols-free, but this sad attempt to make sure everyone still loves him and his family in St. Louis is beyond pathetic and gave us little choice to really weigh in rather than just post photoshops and videos.
“I made a decision. I’m being obedient. I didn’t want to go to a place God didn’t want me to go to.
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Albert Pujols Gets the Taiwanese Animation Treatment
No, this isn’t another KSDK commercial, this is the infamous Taiwanese news animation and they have turned their focus to our very own…er, Southern California’s Albert Pujols!
Check out the video above (with subtitles) to watch Pujols drop his bat during a Cardinal game to chase a bag of money then literally gun down Rangers pitching and follow all that up with a montage of him aging through his contract until he can barely hold his bat!
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St. Louis Experiences the First Phase of Pujols Grief
As you may have heard yesterday, Albert Pujols, king of St. Louis, chose to leave and play in Los Angeles for $40-ish million extra dollars and a guaranteed 10 year contract. After the news broke, all of us chose to handle the sudden realization that come spring someone else will be playing 1st base and running through Oquendo stop signs at third in different ways.
Some took to Facebook, expressing their anger on the Official Albert Pujols fan page:
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STLToday.com’s Headline [FIXED]
Pujols Likes $30 Million Dollars More Than You
[Editor’s Note: Ok, so we were pretty sure Pujols was going to the Marlins a few days ago when we made this, and then when we went to edit it we realized that the Angels really don’t have a mascot per se…so now you’ve got this. The point is still the same right? Makes sense still…they have fish in California…and they get to be Angels too one would assume. Whatever. Shut up!
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