PUNCHING KITTY: 2009 - 2013

Punching Kitty was a writing project for the city of St. Louis to have a little fun and try to get everyone to stop taking themselves so seriously…and hopefully highlight some critical issues along the way. Not everyone liked it (it turns out people don’t love being made fun of) but we converted a lot of people and I take pride that the site was truly well read. From the local media, to area police departments, Punching Kitty truly became a source for news and entertainment for St. Louis.

We had a lot of fun, but all good things need an ending and ours was on March 13th, 2013. When we closed up shop the news made local radio, TV, and even the front page of STLToday (The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s website) where we were the top story over a new pope being named. Wild stuff.

While we will no longer actively write, the site will stay up as an archive for St. Louis.

- The Editor

Happy Valentine’s Day!

We can’t be there in person, but please print this out and place it in your pink construction paper adorned shoe box with a hole cut in the lid.

[Editor’s Note: If you don’t know who Alf is, then you probably really do have a shoe box on your desk and you need to be paying attention in class.]

Authorities Catch ‘Same Coat Bandit’ Despite The Fact That He Was Wearing a Different Coat

Authorities have somehow managed to capture last week’s famed “Same Coat Bandit”, so named because he wore the same coat a couple of times and apparently the Feds are big sticklers to the fashion trends of this season’s thieves and decided to publicly berate the guy. Nicholas J. Hummel, 29, of the 5700 block of Loran Avenue, was charged with two counts of second-degree robbery. Authorities also suspect Hummel in three other bank recent bank robberies in the St. [Read More]

GIF Week: The Big Finish With the Chick From Our Bumpers

[Editor’s Note: For context, this was part of our impromptu “Animated GIF Week“]

The last GIF of “GIF Week”! What could be special enough to be saved for the last moments of  your Friday? How about the chance to watch our boxing, bikini clad video bumper girl punch (and bounce) forever? That special enough for you?! Well lets hope, because that’s what it is.

Enjoy your weekend.


GIF Week: The Big Finish with Jarrell and His Jheri Curl

[Editor’s Note: For context, this was part of our impromptu “Animated GIF Week“] The first of today’s new GIFs features Jarrell, slicking his Jheri Curl back while the camera dramatically zooms back to show the Arch. It’s god dammed beautiful! For those unaware, Jarrell is the start of our all-time favorite local commercial from the past featuring a music video format and selling a $27.50! You can see the full commercial, with it’s unending gif-able moments in our archives. [Read More]

GIF Week: A Look Back

It’s Friday and we have some more posts coming up later in the day, but first lets recap. Do this next line in your best TV announcer internal voice. Previously on Punching Kitty… As we’re sure you know, as of Monday we randomly decided this would be “animated gif week” here on Punching Kitty…and then somewhere around Wednesday we decided it should be “animated gif week (but only use ones we made)” after we used 90’s teen heartthrob James Van Der Beek to illustrate some White People Problems: [Read More]

We Have Officially Run Out of Clever Bank Robber Names

[Editor’s Note: For context, this was part of our impromptu “Animated GIF Week“] Pair the bad economy with our population’s natural love of guns and playing dress up and it seems like everyone’s robbing banks these days. As such, the local media has latched on to this trend hard. Like a snow storm during a morning commute hard. Much like weather events, every bank robbery has be punched up a notch and have a catchy name, and as such you can’t seem to “take a penny” these days without seeing a grainy security camera still with a clever nickname overlay plastered all over the evening news. [Read More]

Love Stalker: The Perfect Love Story For a City Like St. Louis

[Editor’s Note: For context, this was part of our impromptu “Animated GIF Week“] We’ve been tracking the locally filmed Love Stalker movie for over a year now after we interviewed the two writer/directors Matt Glasson (who also stars in the movie) and Bowls MacLean, and while they’ve been doing the festival circuit, we finally got a chance to check out the whole film. First off, it’s wonderfully shot (in our amateur opinion) and there’s some decent boob (in our professional opinion), so if you’re in to cinematography and/or boobs, there you go. [Read More]

County Problems: Not So Automatic, Automatic Doors

[Editor’s Note: For context, this was part of our impromptu “Animated GIF Week“] Sure there’s some bigotry out there, like how they hate the gay marriages, and how everyone who’s skin is equal to or darker than the cast Jersey Shores gets a constant stink eye, but if you’re white and straight, life is nearly flawless if you’re living out in the County. We did say nearly though. There’s always a fly in that ointment of glory, like when you have to park in the driveway and walk all the way up the slight incline to get in the house. [Read More]

Fun Things You Can Do With the Weird Ray Vinson Super Bowl Commercial

[Editor’s Note: For context, this was part of our impromptu “Animated GIF Week“] Did you happen to catch the weird Ray Vison commercial aired during the Super Bowl last night? Even from the squeaky voiced man that has made former Cardinal skipper Tony LaRussa do some odd things for cash, this was quite a doozy (See the whole video here)! At the very least, it managed to confuse St. Louis Super Bowl watchers, while others considered it an “insult” We at Punching Kitty Headquarters thought of it a little differently. [Read More]