Because of the popularity of yesterday’s post on the Cardinals Kiss Cam controversy (say that 10 times fast), we have a few trailing notes that we wanted to share via a special weekend post!
– Largely ignored in the previous post, we should have given the Cardinals, as a whole, more credit. Good for them for promoting (kinda) a “Out at the Ballpark” day. No matter what happens with the Kiss Cam at the game today, this is a nice gesture and a step in the right direction.
– The Vital Voice did a great video about the “Out at the Ballpark” day along with their own coverage of the Kiss Cam noise. Watch through the end for their own take on the Kiss Cam. “First Gay Day At Busch Stadium / Kiss Cam Controversy“
– We loved making them and more than a few of your expressed that you really enjoyed our collection of “odd” Kiss Cam’s that dotted the right side of the initial post. For that reason, and the fact that we made a few more that didn’t make it in the post, we present to you the..
Top 10 Kiss Cam Photoshops
10. The Kissing Fatties – Notice the bag of Cheetos that we swear to you were in the original photo.

9. The Pariere Dogs – Life on the pariere was never the same after this.
8. Woman and Horse – No idea how she got that horse up in to the stands.
7. The White Sox – …If this Greek-warrior level of closeness worked for them, maybe Tony should look in to it.
6. Batman and Robin – No shock here. You knew it, we knew it, they knew it.
See the top 5 after the jump!
5. Man and Bear – When going camping, take only photos and leave only footprints and maybe a wetspot on a log.
4. Mini Me and a Doll – Total shame when one drops this far from their former fame. That baby doll used to be in all the best toy commercials.
3. The fellas – Pretty boring after the last 7 huh?
2. KISS – …