Hazelwood Hates the Girl Scouts

“We don’t want to give the impression we’re cracking down on Girl Scouts selling their cookies,” — Tim Davidson, a Hazelwood city spokesman Ok, but it does actually seem like you are trying to give the impression you’re cracking down on Girl Scouts selling their cookies, Mr. Davidson. You see…and maybe when we highlight this you’ll see our side…see it really started to feel like you were cracking down on Girl Scouts selling their cookies…when you started to crack down on a couple of Girl Scouts selling their cookies. [Read More]

St. Louis Girl Scouts Changing Cookie Names

The Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri have gone mad with power. Sure we guess it’s within the rules to create a division called “The Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri” even though it sounds dumb, but to start just willy nilly changing time-honored cookie names?! We don’t think there is ever an excuse to punch a little girl in the face but…we guess there is now. The Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri have switched bakeries after 20 years, from Little Brownie Bakers, a subsidiary of Keebler, to ABC Bakers, a subsidiary of Interbake Foods. [Read More]