We Don’t Get Fox’s All-Star Game Commercial

We Don’t Get Fox’s All-Star Game Commercial
Have you seen the All-Star game commercials running on Fox yet? Here it is: What did you think? I thought it was a bit odd. The Arch as a magnet? What?! I just don’t get it. Can anyone explain why they went this way with a whole world of other, less odd, choices were in front of them? The one part that was pretty awesome was when Derek Jeter got “yanked” [Editor’s Note: Mental rimshot! [Read More]

Legends and Celebrity Softball Game Rosters Announced

On Sunday July 12th, the traditional softball game of All-Star week will take place in Busch Stadium and like every year the rosters will be filled out by retired baseball greats, various celebrities and Jimmy Kimmel. The rosters were recently announced they are stocked with St. Louis affiliated personalities. Some names of note are: Nelly (of course) Chingy (I think he’s Nelly’s little brother.) Carl Edwards (he’s a limo driver or something) Billy Bob Thorton (Long time Cardinals fan and general douche bag. [Read More]