St. Louis is poor. Mayor Slay is about a month away from having city employees sell cheese and sausage to their families. If only there was another way! If the city could only fine a service they provide and then charge more for it…
City residents can expect to see their water rates increase, and a new $144-per-family annual trash fee. The city also talked about charging a $10-per-person entry fee for recreation centers, though that precise number may not stick.
Now you’re thinking St. Louis! …an undisclosed water price increase and $12 a month for city trash pick up. Not great, but not horrible.
Other proposed changes that could help the city buy those new sneakers its been wanting are:
Fining the Rams for each loss next season.
A yearly $50 “No one broke in to my car” fee.
Metrolink is now a few of those two-man pump train carts from the cartoons.
Mayoral massages…ask about our deluxe massage!
“Bribes are cool Wednesdays” at City Hall!
via Political Fix