Despite what you might think, all is not perfect in Cardinal third baseman and World Series MVP David Freese’s world. Sure he’s been on every TV show over the past week or two, and appeared as a presenter on the CMAs (Crappy Music Awards) last night. But earlier in the day, our home town hero realized he had nothing to wear! OMG! Freese took charge and did what we all do nowadays, he put it on Twitter:
@dfreese23: Bag didn’t make my connector to Nashville. I wonder if I can get by presenting with @ErinAndrews in Nike sweatpants and a hoodie?!?! #cmas
@ErinAndrews: @dfreese23 are we going shopping this afternoon? #mvpproblems
@dfreese23: @ErinAndrews I don’t know how to shop. I think so. #guyproblems
It all turned out ok though, as by presenting time Freese had some respectable clothes on (He’s the one on the right, not the other one with disproportionately skinny arms to her thicker legs)…though he couldn’t find a tie apparently. Real classy. What would the country guy in jeans, a sleeveless t-shirt of some county fair from 14 years ago and a over-sized cowboy hat think?!
Oh and look at that photo chemistry! Anyone else think they’re totally banging?! Not us, but what the hell, lets get that rumor going.