Yesterday morning, a trailer flipped over on Highway 70 at the Mid Rivers Mall exit in St. Peters, spilling it’s cargo of what the police think were bratwurst.
After the tractor-trailer exited off eastbound 70 onto north Mid Rivers Mall Drive this morning, it overturned, spilling some of its contents, which St. Peters police believe to be bratwurst.
So they aren’t sure if they were bratwurst, but they believe them to be bratwurst.
“Larry, scoop one of those up and give it a taste. What are those things? … Come on just do it. … Aww. He wouldn’t do it ya’ll! …alright, we’ll just say they’re bratwurst.”
Police also believe there is no irony to the fact that wieners were spilled all over a place called St. Peters at the current time, but they are looking in to the matter and will get back to us right after we “grow the hell up and stop calling here giggling.” It looks like it may be a while.
Lastly, how great of a band name would “Wiener Spill” be? You’re welcome.