Everyone knows by now that have the world’s supply of popular 80s icons named Corey has been dropped by half after the news yesterday of Corey Haim’s death that made the world stand up and say “Oh yeah! …Wait, which one was he?”
But did you know that there was a late-life connection between Haim and St. Louis? …and it was right under TMZ’s nose!
Seen on the right and below, looking like he took an overdose of cool rather than horse tranquilizer or whatever is Corey Haim rocking the t-shirt of the band Unset. which is on the St. Louis-based label Gridiron Records!
If that name sounds familiar, its because it should. Former Ram Kyle Turley is cranking out music these days and is also a Gridiron Records artist.
Having your band’s t-shirt on the front page of TMZ attached to the biggest celeb story of the day is some nice promotion and very convenient that Turley’s record was just released Tuesday…
Do we think Gridiron Records saw these pictures were taken and because of that had Haim killed and then quietly leaked these photos and the news to TMZ?
No, we don’t.
But that would be pretty god damned metal of them if they did.