Those Whatever-They-Are Things on 44 Are Coming Down

You know those things on the side of 44 right on the border of St. Louis County?  You know, those things that look like unfinished buildings that were started way before you were born, or some sort of King Kong cage?  Well, apparently they are natural gas storage tanks and they are coming down!

The natural gas storage tanks owned by Laclede Gas were erected in 1925 and 1941, and have been inactive since 1995.  They sit on just under 6-acres of land, which was purchased by a development firm that plans to grade and seed the soon-to-be-vacant property so it looks “nice” while trying to attract a new owner to build on the site.

This guy (who the quote from above is from) is crushing on them pretty bad and is sad to see them go, but are you?

I guess there is a little nostalgia there in some ways.  I do remember seeing them when I was little and asking what they were.  I believe I got a “I don’t know.” [Editor’s Note: Maybe I should give my parents a call and tell them what they actually were.]

I vote for someone buying them, leaving them as is, and putting a giant inflatable king kong in side of of the “cages”.  How kick ass would that be to see when you are driving down 44?!  Answer: Way too kick ass for St. Louis.