Dan Caesar handles the local sports media beat for the Post Dispatch because it’s a super important thing to cover and people are too scared and creeped out to get close enough to fire him (right).
Last week Caesar sat down with the recently fired JC Corcoran, who spent the whole time telling Caesar that he’s totally going to leave town. He swears…yup, totally going to happen so don’t try to stop him. Here he goes…he’s leaving…for reals…one last chance to stop him…’cause it’s happening with all the job offers he hasn’t taken…
“We sold our house last Saturday in anticipation of most likely leaving” [Corcoran] said. “If anyone (locally) has anything to say, I’d encourage them to speak up because all the discussion I am having are from out-of-town stations. There don’t seem to be any (decent) opportunities in St. Louis.”
Corcoran said. “… I don’t feel I’m in a position that I have to take a tertiary-level position just to remain working in St. Louis. I’m having discussion with some pretty big stations in pretty big cities. Nothing’s on the table yet, but I am led to believe there will be soon. If nobody in St. Louis steps forward and offers something, I’m going to go.”
K bye! :)
Nothing’s more newsworthy than an afternoon DJ leaving town, but lets see if we can find something to top it and save this story…hey look, an albino zebra!
Yea! We did it!
via STLToday