Missouri Governor Jay Nixon was in a car accident Friday and it turns out he doesn’t wear his seat belt. He even (might have) said that people that do wear their seat belts are pussies and will never grow up to be big and strong like to Governor.
Nixon was treated and released from a hospital after the Missouri State Highway Patrol car in which he was riding was rear-ended in a three-vehicle accident on U.S. Highway 50, just a few blocks south of the Capitol. A patrol report said the governor was not wearing a seat belt.
“My neck’s a little sore,” Nixon told the Kirksville Daily Express while at the school event. “We’re going to be sore, but we’ll be fine.”
Everyone in the accident besides Nixon was wearing a seat belt.
No seat belt?! “Not our Governor!” we thought, but sure enough, looking back in our comically bad image jokes vault we found this photo of the Governor and rapper turned actor Ice T with the Governor not wearing a seat belt! A little hard to see, but there is no shoulder belt in the photo, thus proving that cheap image gags can, in fact, be used in more than one post occasionally and still kinda make sense to both stories. This is the happiest day of our lives!

So remember kids, even if you don’t wear a seat belt in the car accident all you’ll get is a stiff neck. You’re invincible and nothing you do will have any lasting consequences!
via KMOV