Punching Kitty.com takes a fresh and humorous look at St. Louis news. Think “The Daily Show”, but for St. Louis, and it’s written instead of a TV show…and there’s no Jon Stewart, but still totally awesome. We talk about about anything from local media to crime to awesome local events happening throughout the area and everything in between.
We might be a little harsh, but its important to know, we are harsh on everyone. No one gets a pass, so if you are the target today, just be cool, roll with the punches and have a laugh knowing that tomorrow, or even later today, it will be someone else!
Feel free to contact us at editor@punchingkitty.com for any general information or questions.
Send us a tip, event information or press releases to tips@punchingkitty.com
Here are some quotes about Punching Kitty from around the web:
“Add anything Flynn touches to your feeds. I like him. He’s what I was thirty years ago, just more PO’d. And probably smarter.” — Mike Anderson, STLMedia.net
“one of our new favorite local blogs” — Gabe Hartwig, STLToday.com
“What a great site. I follow about 4 blogs religiously and I think I am going to have to add this one to the list.”
“Follow @punchingkitty if you want #STL gossip. Or if you’re into kinky blogging.”
“I think I may have found my new favorite website. I kind of want to work there.”
Press Mentions
If you would like to get a hold of us for an interview, questions about a story, or a speaking appearance please email us at: editor@punchingkitty.com
STL Magazine: 2011 A-List Winner
Mike Flynn, Punching Kitty
Three times daily, the blog Punching Kitty, run by Mike Flynn, points out the humorous, ironic, and just plain weird news of the day. Whether it’s commenting on a meth bust, the latest gossip, or captioning a photo of Albert Pujols in his whitey-tighties, Flynn keeps us coming back, wondering what he’s going to post next.
STL Magazine: “Coming out Swinging: Punching Kitty’s Mike Flynn“
When allegations started surfacing that Rev. John Wieberg, who died in 1963, had molested children when he was a priest, the archdiocesan Review Board deemed the allegations as “credible.”
This news got blogger Mike Flynn of punchingkitty.com typing: “[The allegations] better be credible, because getting your ass called out as a molester nearly 50 years after you died would suck butt (consenting adult butt of course) if you didn’t really do any of that.”
As you can probably tell, the 29-year-old blogger doesn’t believe in sacred cows.
KMOV: Best Site That Made Fun of Virginia Kerr
Riverfront Times: 2010’s Best Local Celebrity Site
Its post about KMOV-TV (Channel 4) morning news anchor Virginia Kerr tweeting her birth was one of the funniest reads of the year. Author Mike Flynn has a deliciously cynical sense of humor. He’s a truly prolific and creative blogger who does it all, amazingly, in his spare time.