Missouri Representative Wants to Tax Violent Video Games, Remind Everyone We’re Retarded Out Here

Missouri Representative Wants to Tax Violent Video Games, Remind Everyone We’re Retarded Out Here

Diane Franklin, the Missouri Representative from Camdenton, has made the news recently by calling for a 1% sales tax on all violent video games, which is timely not only because of our nation current gun violence debate but also because it’s been a few weeks since a public figure from Missouri stood up, opened their mouth and reminded everyone that Missouri has stupid public figures and to continue to make fun of us for being fat redneck retards.

Franklin claims that the proceeds from the tax would go to mental health and law enforcement programs, but failed to mention the slippery slope of taxing creative expression…eh, I’m sure that will just work itself out. Just don’t start trying to tax anything that Diane Franklin likes, but that would probably be “un-American”. Just a guess.

The good news is this won’t work because it’s stupid, and as the AP points out: “Republican legislative leaders and Democratic governor Jay Nixon both have taken stands against tax increases,” so there you go! Critical hit! 1000 points! Next time you want to try to tax something in a sad effort to get your name in the news rather than actually fix the problem Diane Franklin, try taxing this! Ha! (You guys can’t see it, but we’re totally pointing to our crotch right now in an over-exaggerated manner.)

via IGN