Oh Hey, a List of Links!

Here are something little things of note going on around St. Louis that really didn’t deserve a post of their own:

Keith Tkachuk has announced his retirement. …oh you might not know who he is. He played for the Blues. …the Blues are a hockey team. …They play in St. Louis.  …It’s the MetroLink stop just west of Busch Stadium. …This is what hockey is.

We have lots of perverts in this town.

Prop A passes and Metrolink says whew…we can stop trying to be good at what we do now.

Everyone look at me! My story is old and stupid but if I wait just long enough to do something else with the thing I found in the trash people can still see my Glamour Shot in the newspaper!

Shame on you St. Louis for getting rid of a freaking junk yard in the middle of what is supposed to be a real city. Give them $1 Million dollars please.

I know when I feel our country is in trouble I think to myself, “How can Civil War re-enactors be helping?” …oh wait. Nevermind. I’ll just watch “Glory” on Netflix.
