Rich Guy Toys With Science Center

According to St. Louis Public Radio KWMU some crazy rich guys is playing sport with a sack full of money and the Science Center a la “Brewster’s Millions” or “The Most Dangerous Game”

The St. Louis Science Center has launched an end-of-the-year fund-raising push in order to secure $500,000 from a long-time supporter.

The museum must raise the same amount by December 31st. Science Center president Doug King says the museum has received similar challenge grants in the past, but they have been limited to specific projects.

…its a little more of the former than the later, but we don’t have the whole story so we’ll never know!

It may sound like a lot of money to raise before the end of the year, but if movies have taught me anything I know the following things can’t fail:

– Benefit concert. (Wayne’s World 2)

– Dance recital. (Honey, Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo)

– Catalina Wine Mixer (Step Brothers)

– Despite my lack of smoothness with the ladies I will eventually win over the sexy girl that has never noticed me until senior year by some completely out of character act of heroism. (Pretty much every movie ever)

The first three are for you Science Center, the last one’s all mine.