Punching Kitty Stickers, Because Why Not?


We’re a real website now baby!  We have stickers!

They are a little basic in this first run, but we think they turned out great thanks to our friends at Contagious Graphics.

So how do you get them?

One way is to find me.  If I’m out and about I’ll say so on the Punching Kitty Twitter page so try to meet up and I’ll give you a few.

You can also email me here: editor at punchingkitty dot com and tell me you want some stickers along with your address and I’ll drop a few in the mail for you!

Yup, its just that simple.

What should I do with them?

Put them on your laptop, your car, your notebook, your cat, street signs, anything really, and then snap a photo of where you put it and send it to us!  We would love to see where you put our stickers and if you say its ok, we’ll post it up here to share will everyone else!