KMOX Decides Who is “Pervy” Now

KMOX Decides Who is “Pervy” Now

This morning KMOX posted a story about a Wright City, Missouri man was hoarding a stash of panties, sex toys, and “feminine hygiene products” he allegedly acquired from various burglaries. They also make mention of the man’s new nickname (emphasis ours)…

A 19 year-old eastern Missouri man has a new nickname after police found him hoarding 59 pairs of women’s underwear along with female clothing, sex toys, photographs and feminine hygiene products in his bedroom.

To know what the nickname was or who gave it to him, look no further than the story’s headline

Pervy Dude Caught With Panties and Feminine Hygiene Products

KMOX, a long standing St. Louis news source, has apparently decided to take it upon themselves to pass judgement and hand out insulting nicknames to the people in their news stories. In other words…they took our job!

We’re not going to lie, the guy looks pretty “pervy”, and the fact he had a secret stash of women’s clothing and various other vagina-related items isn’t helping his case…but geez KMOX, this is kind of a weird line you just crossed, and if you’re going to try and play our role (Though, honestly, don’t you think we would have been more creative than “pervy dude”?!), we’ll play the game and do the real news bit by pointing out the WTF’s in play here:

  1. “Pervy Dude” was in the headline.

  2. You make a mention of a new nickname, but with no other mention of the nickname or who gave it, so you have to assume it’s KMOX, which is weird, but also odd not to mention it in the story. Was it actually the cops or someone else that called him that? Why not put it in quotes, or mention that in the article?

  3. Yes, the man had a large collection of things that normally guys don’t have, but at this point it hasn’t been proven he stole them. Also, who’s to say what is “pervy” these days. Haven’t you seen the internet? While collecting tampons isn’t our cup of tea, not sure that’s were the “pervy” line is drawn since the arrival of “Two Girls, One Cup”

Ugh, that was weird being all journalistically responsible. Lets make a deal KMOX: You stick to your news bit, and we’ll stick to the creative labeling of people we’ve never met that are unfortunate enough to pop up in the news for whatever reason. It’s called playing to our strengths.

via KMOX and @colleenkelly

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