Leisa Zigman Doesn’t Quite Get Twitter

From the Wikipedia page on Twitter:

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read each others’ updates, known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters, displayed on the author’s profile page and delivered to other users – known as followers – who have subscribed to

Its that “up to 140 characters” thing that seems to be hard to understand for KSDK reporter, and recent focus of police officer ire, Leisa Zigman.

Taking a glance at Zigman’s profile (@lzigman) reveals not one, but two failed tweets:

zigman_long_tweetsWe admit that to some Twitter can be a little weird, but the on thing that is pretty easy to absorb is “keep it under 140 characters”  It can’t get much more clear than that really….but even if you are that dense, they even give you nice way to find out that you are over.  Let us show you how it works Leisa.  We pasted the full version of one of your recent tweet fails in to our Twitter profile:

long_tweet_failNotice the giant red -15 in the corner.  Take a guess what that means.

On the plus side, we are happy to read that Zigman is sticking to getting “exclusive” access to parties rather than walking the streets trying to drum up weak “investigations” about non-issues like where on duty cops park around the station.