Chuck Berry Visits His Old High School, Refuses to Take Off Stupid Hat

Chuck Berry Visits His Old High School, Refuses to Take Off Stupid Hat

Check out these cropped screencaps of a few of the photos the St. Louis Post Dispatch took of music legend Chuck Berry getting a tour of his old high school.

Wearing that damn hat.

What is up with that thing?  Did someone tell him that’s a sweet hat, so he’s rolling with it thinking he looks cool?  Did he take a boat or dingy to his old high school?  Will no one tell Chuck Berry he looks like an ass?  We’re pretty sure he knows it’s on his head since he seems like he can see his reflection in that first post.  Maybe right there he was like “Damn it.  Who put this stupid thing on me? I can’t take it off now though, I gotta just roll with it.”

Clearly at some point in your life you revert back to not being able to correctly dress yourself.  Have we reached that point?  Is this the first stage?

Lots of questions here.  That thing is the hat equivalent of Lost.

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