Dude Got Shot in the Ass in North St. Louis

KMOV is reporting a man was shot in the butt Saturday night in north St. Louis.  I know.  Totally surprising.

According to police, the victim and three friends were walking across the street when a newer model dark blue or black SUV approached.

The front seat passenger got out and fired shots; the victim and friends ran to a nearby residence. The suspects fled the scene.

The victim is in stable, but totally embarrassed condition because there’s no way to make an ass wound sound badass.

They are stopping the car now so the shooter can get out? Is the full-fledged “drive by” no longer cool?  I can’t tell if this is lazy for making aiming less of a challenge or taking more pride in their work by wanting to make sure they hit something other than innocent kids or old cops 2 days from retirement.