KDHX Gets New Digs, Moving to Midtown

Personally we liked the charm of the odd little building KDHX’s radio operation has been housed in, but they sure didn’t. A big grant and plans for a fund raiser later and they are moving north up Grand to the Grand Center. A long-time volunteer and patron made the anonymous gift in honor of the station’s late manager Larry Weir, who passed away in January,said station spokeswoman Birgit Spears. The move will consolidate KDHX’s radio operations, which have been inside a 100-year-old bakery building at 3504 Magnolia Ave. [Read More]

Top 10 Tips For Those Moving to the City

What?! It happens!  Sometimes people move to the city.  Maybe they are athletes or maybe they just want to fill their Foursquare feed with more hipster places…either way, it happens.

Here are some tips from Punching Kitty skewed towards people from the area that are moving to the city. Feel free to add your own in the comments.

10. If you called it Missou-rah, that’s fine. Stop now though.

9. We’d like to say “Get rid of your truck.” but we can’t. Lots of people have them, though we aren’t sure why.

8. If you’re from out west, this is a black guy:

They’re cool, so you be too.

7. Hey, nice trendy neighborhood! …Guess what though, 6 months ago an old lady was shot so someone could steal her food stamps 2 blocks away from your fancy place. No matter how many tapas restaurants you have in walking distance, it all St. Louis. You want to be an uppity little bitch about your neighborhood? Move to Ladue. Otherwise, don’t compare neighborhoods you don’t know about. City veterans hate that.

6. Cardinal games are great when the “trip” home is all of 10 minutes max.

5. You want to eat a restaurant? Tons of options. You want to go to a grocery store? Your options are too ghetto or too fancy. The county still has us beat on this one.

4. This is an example of two dudes kissing. It doesn’t happen all the time, but if you wander by Manchester & Sarah on a Saturday night, we don’t want you to be surprised.

Again, they’re cool, so you be too.

Click through the jump to read the top 3!

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Leaving St. Louis: If You’re Reading This, Someone Just Ditched You

Recently Forbes magazine pulled together all the data of where people have moved from and to in 2008 since “More than 10 million Americans moved from one county to another during 2008.” They also made a pretty little infographic showing inbound and outbound movement from a specified location. Our tipster clicked St. Louis. The results weren’t pretty. Red is people moving away from St. Louis. Black is people moving too St. [Read More]