The Rams’ Danny Amendola Hates Old Rams Ushers

The Rams lost Sunday to the Vikings, but the game wasn’t without it’s moments…like when Danny Amendola spiked a football in to the face of some poor old usher standing behind the endzone. Deadspin has one of the many gifs of this epic event: Danny, here’s what you did wrong: Chill bro. Great job on the touchdown, but you were way too fired up for a guy on a team that was getting stomped. [Read More]

Tailgate32 Visits St. Louis

In their journey to visit each of the 32 NFL teams this season, the guys at Tailgate32 stopped by St. Louis to get a tour of our town, meet Fox2’s John Pertzborn*, visit The Hill, and eat a Crown Candy BLT.

Point your lookin’ balls at it here:

  • File photo of Pertzborn:

via Tailgate32 and ESPN

Cool Story Bro: Miss Missouri Thinks the Rams Won’t Suck

The Rams are probably going to suck, but who cares about analysis?! What does Katie Kearney, the current Miss Missouri, think? We bet she’s gonna be brutal on them dude! She’s totally going to destroy their week linebacker core and pick apart the shaky Quarterback play! Oh man, she’s going to be all over them and definitely won’t just be some stereotypical overly optimistic beauty queen to the point where you’ll wonder: “Why the hell did anyone bother to ask her, let alone print it in a newspaper? [Read More]

Sam Bradford and Tim Tebow Worship the Nike Devil According to Crazy Guy on Internet

All those people out there that think Jets backup QB Tim Tebow and Rams starting QB Sam Bradford are nice, super Christian-types are dead wrong. Turns out both of these guys not-so-secretly worship the pagan god Nike and they must be stopped! …or at least that’s what the crazy guy on the internet told us. [Editor’s Note: Everything below is for realz what one guy thinks. So consider this as confirmation of each and every one of the following crazy statements below. [Read More]

The Rams New Draft Choice Michael Brockers is Already a Big Shot

The Rams hadn’t even drafted LSU’s Michael Brockers before the guy already started on his big shot pro athlete schtick. How do we know? Twitter of course! If Jose Canseco has taught us anything, it’s that you are exactly what your Twitter feed says you are. Brockers took to his Twitter account hours before the draft with news that he… Already has that football player style down: He uses little pictures to tell you that he’s rich now: [Read More]

Sam Bradford is Dating Karlie Kloss

Rams quarterback Sam Bradford was spotted at Coachella with St. Louis-based 19 year old “super model” Karlie Kloss over the weekend and the internet is a buzz with Bradford’s ugly hipster sweater and how they’re just giving away the title of “super model” these days. Ok, she’s cute. And she’s from St. Louis so bonus points, but when she smiles and looks down towards the camera…by the power of Greyskull, all we see is Skeletor: [Read More]

St. Louis’ Sports Jesus Says Denver’s Sports Jesus Should Stop Talking About Regular Jesus So Much

That headline is legit! We swear to G…eh. Better not do that in this post. Seriously though, Kurt Warner took some time the other day to tell Tim Tebow, he who’s name in verb form means a quick post-game prayer in the middle of the freaking field or any other random place (, to give it a rest with the God talk. “You can’t help but cheer for a guy like that,” Warner said of Tebow. [Read More]

Cardinals Hire Mike Matheny As Manager, Rams Something Something

The St. Louis Rams won Sunday! Yea! This is somewhat important news unless something else happens! It was strange and ugly, befitting the status of two teams with a combined record for 4-12 entering the game. But the Rams were beneficiaries of rare good fortune, with a potential game-winning field goal by Cleveland going awry on a fouled up… Woah! Shut up Jim Thomas! No one cares about the Rams accidentally winning a game because the Cardinals just did something: Gutsy ex-catcher Mike Matheny is the new manager! [Read More]

And the Best Post-World Series Photo is…

…this photo of Tony La Russa trying to put on a Sam Bradford jersey before the Rams took on the Saints! We’re not sure if TLR was going for a a Edmonds-style half-shirt thing here, or after being in baseball for so long he’s completely incapable of putting on a jersey that doesn’t button down the front. Update: Woah! …and Tony just retired. Wow. Apparently that jersey was really a bitch to take off too. [Read More]

Hey, How Did the Rams and the Cardinals Do in Dallas Yesterday?

Not well. Not. Well. The Cardinals were taken to school by a guy who’s playoff beard looks a hell of a lot like the lip fur our old 3rd grade bus driver, Bertha rocked, and the Rams just continued to suck at their usual level. At least the Rams are consistent, and have been all year right? That’s something. That’s important enough for a reward! Awww…that’s nice. Former Pittsburg head coach, and Super Bowl winner, Bill Cowher, thoughts? [Read More]